About the Skeleton behind the Site
Welcome one and all!
Hey folks! I go by Choco. I'll be using this, my very first site, to learn how to code and archive stuff I love.
It will likely be unfinished for a long time, but my goal is to make several different pages dedicated but not limited to, my pets, photos I've taken, my art gallery, pc-98 exploration and rambles... Stuff like that.
I'm a 27 year old Sagittarius (Capricorn cusp) dude. I'm also Trans of Gener and Aro.
I've been dedicated to drawing all my life to distract myself from the horrors of my reality, and now I'm a hermit who's healing and getting back into it. I had gone to an expiramental art course which collectively bricked any enjoyment I had for art and sent me in a downwards spiral. I have really severe Agoraphobia and it wasn't anything but going on T that started to give me hope. After losing my dad to starvation due to lung cancer and medical neglect, I've ended up completely resetting my psyche. I felt like a pupa that was crushed several times over, yet still managed to make it to mothhood with no idea how to navigate it, blindly rushing forward to whatever looks the brightest path.
This world is a terrible place, but I can make places to pass the days. That are safe. And I hope if you feel similarly, you might enjoy what I end up putting here. Thanks for visiting.